Limited coastal bus service
due to COVID-19
Visitors to Pembrokeshire’s coast are being notified that bus services are running – but at reduced levels due to issues caused by Covid-19.
If you want to travel to or along Pembrokeshire’s coast by bus, it is important that you check the Council’s website for the latest timetable information.
Some bus services are currently operating on a pre-booked basis only to ensure there is sufficient room on the buses for social distancing. The days the buses operate have been reduced because there is not enough revenue from fares to cover the costs of operating fully.
The majority of the bus services are still operating fixed timetables but because of revenue shortfalls, they are also running less often than they did pre-COVID. The service buses which cannot be pre-booked are likely to have occasions when there are too many passengers to ensure that social distancing is adhered to. Customers are encouraged to follow the safety instructions provided at bus stops and on the buses.
As from Monday 27th July, it becomes mandatory for passengers to wear face coverings. This is to ensure their safety, the safety of other passengers and the drivers.
“I am pleased to announce that from Monday 27th July the frequency of several bus services in Pembrokeshire will be increased to help accommodate the increased demand of services,” said Cllr Phil Baker, Cabinet Member for Highways for Pembrokeshire County Council.
“However, it is important to note that whilst services are part-subsidised, the bus companies are also reliant on the income from passengers to cover the service running costs.
“Therefore, it is unlikely that pre-COVID service levels and timetables will return for some time.”
If you’d like to use a bus to access or travel along the Pembrokeshire coast, please be aware of the reduced service levels and check the Council’s website for the latest timetable information